
1 minute read

My first foray into the world of web development was through Hack36 (2019), the hackathon organised by Programming Club, IIT Mandi.

My teammates were Deepali Singh and Bhavna Kosta.

We all knew the basics of Python, but none of us knew about web development. We were directed to Traversy Media’s playlist, which gave us an idea of how Flask worked and what all we could do with it.

Our idea focused on reducing checkout lines in big stores. On the shopping cart itself, there would be a barcode scanner, which would scan the item, allow it to be put inside the basket, and then output a bill. Thus, the customer would only have to go to the till to pay the bill.

During the hackathon, we managed to achieve a basic working code for the idea.

We won the Best All Girls Team award!


To scan an image of the product containing a barcode, read the barcode from it, match it to an existing one, and output a bill on the screen. We used the pyzbar and cv2 libraries to achieve this.


  • Image can be uploaded, and the barcode can be read from it
  • The barcode is matched with the existing database, and if it is valid, an updated bill is shown.

Future Plans:

  • Create users for this
  • Add functionality for realtime scanning
  • Improve styling

Technology Used:

  • Flask
  • Pyzbar and CV2 Libraries
  • </ul> Find the repository here: